
byebye exam!

weheee, how's life? is it i never update for so long time? :(
just finished my exam, and I got my paper. Addmaths with 63 marks! yeahoo, i got 12% last year, and i decide to give up my addmaths, but I never stop do addmaths exercise. SEE ! 一分耕耘 一分收获, as mommy teach me. hehehehe.
Bm with 50 marks. so-so lah :) i kosong my peribahasa, actually i thought i'll failed my bm paper. LOLLLL luckily!

holiday now, nomore rest for me. kelas tambahan Kelas Tambahan KELAS TAMBAHAN. stress man :(
not happy holiday but a sad holiday.
stay tuned.
click my nuffnang too ! duh, -> there :)

